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WHITEPAPER: 6 Steps to Adopting a Culture of Safety

White Papers & Ebooks - Sep 24

WHITEPAPER: 6 Steps to Adopting a Culture of Safety

JLG Industries, Inc.
World-leading access equipment manufacturer
McConnellsburg, PA

Safe, productive workplaces don’t happen by accident (or as a result of one). Instead, they are a fundamental part of the operation.

The most effective workplace cultures aren’t error-free ones. They are the ones who are relentless in their effort to learn and improve from mistakes as they happen — and, most importantly, they work to prevent them from happening in the first place. 

Although it can be challenging to change mindsets, behaviors, habits and attitudes, creating a safe, productive environment keeps employees more engaged and more invested in the company's success. When workers see that the business has taken a genuine interest in their well-being, they feel valued, which, in most instances, leads to better on-the-job performance.

When creating (and maintaining) a safe, productive workplace, JLG offers six steps to adopt a safety-focused culture.

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