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In-Depth Look: Using JLG® ClearSky Smart Fleet™ Features & Functionality

Blog Posts - Jul 24

In-Depth Look: Using JLG® ClearSky Smart Fleet™ Features & Functionality

Ara Eckel
Director, Product Management, Connected Solutions
JLG Industries

Revolutionizing what asset management means, the JLG® ClearSky Smart Fleet™ IoT (Internet of Things) platform brings product data to new heights through connectivity and machine interactivity. The benefits of the system are real-time equipment tracking and machine location, up-to-date product information, digital access control and Bluetooth analyzers to troubleshoot machines, on-site or remotely, to name a few.

Additionally, all of this information is delivered through customizable dashboards and filters so users can gain valuable insights into their fleet’s performance without being overwhelmed by the raw data. Better still is that all of this can be accomplished from one place: JLG’s Online Express. Because ClearSky Smart Fleet is integrated into this e-commerce tool, users can manage their fleets, troubleshoot, order parts and so much more (everything needed to keep a fleet in top shape) with a single login.

Getting started with JLG ClearSky at a glance

These features and functionality of ClearSky Smart Fleet are purposely designed to digitize users’ daily processes through access to quality data, automating manual processes and by gaining time efficiencies when using the system, whether through the mobile application, the web portal, or an API.

Let’s take a closer look at how some of these work…


Machine Status

It’s often difficult to find an asset on a job site or at a branch location. With ClearSky Smart Fleet’s Machine Status feature, JLG has made what used to take minutes to do available now at a moment’s notice. When logged into the mobile app, users can select the machine they are looking for (by model, platform, code, asset ID or serial number) and get both audio and visual cues as it seamlessly connects to a beacon on the machine.

Finding the physical location machine is only the start of what users can do with this feature on the mobile application. With quick access cards and filtering, information, like an indication of machine status  (Example: Ignition on / off),  is available at users’ fingertips.

Machine indicators are color-coded so users can prioritize the information they’re seeing in the system, as well as actions that need to be taken. Green lights mean the machine is good to go. Yellow indicates that it needs attention soon. And, red highlights that it requires attention now.

All of this is done through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi rather than leveraging cellular coverage. This means that, even if a job site does not have cellular service, users can still interact with JLG machines in real-time, such as when a fuel truck driver arrives on-site to refill machines or when the service staff shows up to fix all the machines with active DTC’s (diagnostic trouble codes).

Through ClearSky Smart Fleet, service techs can more effectively troubleshoot and service machines once on-site via JLG’s Knowledge Base articles through the platform’s integration with Online Express. Knowledge Base offers technicians access to the exact information they need (by DTCs or symptoms) to troubleshoot machine issues. That’s the simplicity of ClearSky Smart Fleet: Direct access to knowledge.


State of Charge

As the world of electrification continues to grow, JLG’s ClearSky Smart Fleet offers insights on electric products, too, including a machine’s state of charge. Through this data, users can tell which electric machines need to be plugged in from the ones that are fully charged. And, by using the charging filter, users can see (based on the tool icon on the wall) which machines are actively receiving voltage (i.e., currently being charged), leading to a positive state of charge.


Near Me

There is also a feature in the platform called Near Me in which users can see all of the nearest assets to them by lighting up the beacons on the machines in different colors.

Users can then pick out the specific machine (by serial number) they are looking for and turn on the status indication light, which the connectivity beacon pings to identify. This way, they know that the “teal” one is the asset they want to find.

Once the asset has been found, users can dive into its data specifically to access all of its insights, without leaving the comfort of their office or vehicle.


Digital Access Control

The safety of operators and equipment on job sites is paramount. That's why JLG will soon add a digital access control feature within ClearSky Smart Fleet for users to limit unauthorized utilization of their assets through specific machine restrictions.

To view, activate, or deactivate machine restrictions, users can click on the Machine Restrictions feature and see the current status of each asset. Users also can change a machine’s permissions from this feature.


Dashboards and Filters

When logged into the ClearSky Smart Fleet web portal, users can select the Fleet Solutions tab to get a fleet-level data dashboard view of their assets, including how many connected assets are at that time.

To customize this information into actionable data, users can utilize the platform’s selectable filters at the top of the page to check on the exact details they want to know more about. Anytime there's an orange hyperlink available, users can dive deeper into more data-driven insights, whether about the entire fleet or individual machines. For example, if a service tech only wants to know which machines have active DTC’s, they can use the filters to find that specific information.

The filters also allow users to look closely at data points on individualized assets, including details like envelope profile. It is even possible to change the timeframes, from 14-day to 90-day view, to understand how machines are used in those respective zones over extended periods. Users can also derive interesting insights about a machine’s usage by looking at details like ignition status or reporting metrics (like battery information) to see trends over time, such as a machine’s active state compared to its battery state of charge.

ClearSky Smart Fleet also has a feature called persistent filtering, which means that, as users switch between tabs, they can carry over the specific information they are interested in onto adjacent pages without having to re-apply the filters.

Once users know which details they want to see in their dashboards, they can easily drag and drop whichever data widgets they want into one screen and save it, letting them return to the information later. By clicking on the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen, users can also add or remove data, which is updated consistently.


List View

Similar to the system’s dashboard view, the List View function in ClearSky Smart Fleet is also very customizable. Users can move information around, adjust columns with little effort and add additional data parameters.  

When a user selects a specific machine in the List View, tabular information about that asset, such as where it's physically located, if it's connected, if it has active DTCs, machine temperature, and so on, is provided. Quick links within this view allow users to drill down deeper. For example, the pick list and bill of material on that specific asset (by serial number) can be found here, letting a user know what parts for the machine are available and how soon they can be shipped.

Users can also see more details about machine utilization to understand how that machine has specifically been used within a 14-day to 90-day timeframe. For example, users can view information on the machine’s adaptive envelope and see how it’s been operating within its envelope zone over time.


Map View

The Map View shows where all of the users’ machines are and lets them zoom in and out on specific locations or certain pieces of equipment. When an individual asset is selected, additional information, such as ignition on or serial number level information, pops up.


Exporting Data

All of the information in ClearSky Smart Fleet is downloadable, exportable and shareable. From the List View, information can be downloaded to a Microsoft Excel file or shared via email with individuals. From the Dashboard View, users can download PDF or PNG files. They can also click on the Share icon to send individual or multiple emails.


API Data Feed

Users with mixed fleets also have the option to ingest ClearSky Smart Fleet data into their own in-house telematics solution, in addition to using the mobile app and web portal. To accommodate this request, JLG offers a comprehensive API feed with more than 35 unique data parameters, including machine operating hours, machine height, engine load, etc. As long as the machine has that available data to share, how users choose to view it is totally up to them.

The information available through this multi-layer data feed can be delivered in one of two ways: 1) raw format, or 2) adjusted for the user’s in-house ERP system by following the steps in JLG’s straightforward video integration guide.

For more specifics on each of these features and functions, check out JLG’s ClearSky Smart Fleet Webinar & Demonstration video.

All of these innovative features in JLG’s ClearSky Smart Fleet platform result in users increasing their fleet’s productivity, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, on and off the job site. Learn more about how this system’s two-way interactivity can get your equipment fleet talking like never before at smartfleet.jlg.com.


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